COVID-19 Catch Up Premium - ÉÙ¸¾Ö±²¥


COVID-19 Catch Up Premium


Our focus for the NTP 11-16 funding and the post 16 tuition fund (phase 1 and 2): 

The grant was spent on students who were identified post recovery curriculum in Y8-Y11 as requiring support in English, maths, science, languages and humanities and in Y13 as requiring support in business studies, sociology, maths and health & social care. 

The students were reassessed by their teachers in terms of having closed the gaps in knowledge after the tuition. This information was evaluated by the catch up coordinator and the impact shared at leadership meetings and with governors.  

16 - 19 Tuition Fund Statement

Our focus for 2020-21 was:

  • Y12 GCSE English and maths students to receive 1:1 tuition.
  • Y13 students identified to be requiring support post Recovery Curriculum as at September/October 2020 in their A2 courses with a specific focus on business studies, sociology, health & social care, politics and Spanish will receive 1:1 or 1:2 tuition.
  • Access to 1:1 or 1:2 tuition available as part of our Diminishing Difference provision.

NTP 11-16 Catch Up Tuition Funding Statement

Our focus for 2020-21 was:

  • Eligibility criteria for Phase 1: students identified to be requiring support in more than two subject areas as at September/October 2020 - 57 students.
  • Eligibility criteria for Phase 2: students identified to be requiring support in more than two subject areas as at February/March 2021 - 140 students.


Our focus for phase 3-4 was:

The NTP grant was spent on students identified in Y11 as requiring support in GCSE English, maths, languages and business studies.

The 16-19 Tuition Funding was spent on students in Y13 identified as requiring support in A Level business studies, maths, further maths, history, AS French as well as those students retaking GCSE maths.

2022 -23

Our focus for the school-led tuition in phases 5-6:

The NTP grant will be spent on students in years 10, 11 and 13 to support the diminishing difference strategy. 

The NTP grant will be spent on students who have been identified in Y11 as requiring support in GCSE maths, chemistry, business studies and langauges.

The 16-19 Tuition Funding will be spent on students in Y13 identified as requiring support in A Level maths, business studies, French and chemistry.

The students will be reassessed by their teachers in terms of having closed the gaps in knowledge after the tuition. This information will be evaluated by the Catch Up Coordinator and the impact shared at leadership meetings and with governors.